HARRASSOWITZ is a leading supplier of scholarly monographs, research materials and literary texts published throughout Europe in all languages. Our innovative e-books services, including e-series and e-packages, are tailored to our customers' needs and can be acquired via standing or firm orders or approval plans.
“For more than 130 years Harrassowitz has supported the Princeton University Library with solid, dependable service. […] . It has been a pleasure to discuss and plan how to expand our German literature holdings […] They have gone out of their way to secure documents for faculty-items which we simply would not have been able to obtain otherwise. I cannot say enough good things about Harrassowitz.”
Rex Hatfield, German Studies Librarian & Western Languages Cataloging Team Leader, Princeton University Library
Services in more detail
Gold standard service
- HARRASSOWITZ is a leading supplier of scholarly monographs, research materials and literary texts published throughout Europe in all languages.
- HARRASSOWITZ de-duplicates all book orders, both print and electronic, against a library's Approval Plan, Firm Orders, and Standing Orders.
Outstanding service
- Fokus, the HARRASSOWITZ system for acquisition and management of scholarly resources, is provided free of charge to all HARRASSOWITZ customers keeping them fully informed and up-to-date with their HARRASSOWITZ orders, and options pertaining to those orders.
- HARRASSOWITZ is committed to providing a consistently reliable service and works with well-established shipping companies to ensure efficient and timely delivery. Large parcels are tracked and insured.
- In addition, we offer shelf-ready services saving our customers considerable time and effort.
- For all books supplied through HARRASSOWITZ, MARC 21 records are available for loading into the local library system.
- HARRASSOWITZ can recommend trusted, high-quality industry partners who supply full cataloging services. If the library has already committed to another cataloging service, HARRASSOWITZ will coordinate shipping arrangements.
- As part of our commitment to service quality and efficiency, HARRASSOWITZ supports the exchange of electronic data in accordance with international standards and the specifications of the library systems used by its customers.
- We accept orders from libraries in all formats including through Fokus, in EDIFACT, X12, BISAC or real-time electronic orders via API, plus orders sent by email, fax and post.
- For orders placed via EDI, customers receive automatic confirmation. For all other orders, confirmations can be supplied upon request.
- We supply electronic invoices to a wide range of leading library systems.
- We supply a suite of management reports, delivered in Excel format, summarizing library expenditures for books (and/or music scores) based on invoice dates. Customers can also choose between a Monographic Order List of all open orders and a Monographic Order List that shows both open and invoiced orders.
Choice of service
Firm Orders
- HARRASSOWITZ prides itself on its service record fulfilling 98% of all monograph orders.
- HARRASSOWITZ is the vendor of choice for globally-sourced e-books with firm order services tailored to our customers' needs.
Standing Orders
- HARRASSOWITZ provides a fast, reliable Standing Order service for monographic series, irregular series, sets in progress, proceedings, annuals, loose-leaf publications and yearbooks, in all media.
Approval Plans
- HARRASSOWITZ understands the collection development within the library and in support of this, our world-class Approval Plan service helps libraries provide up-to-date and comprehensive resources to their patrons. An e-preferred approval plan program is also available.
New Title Announcements
- This popular email service includes a link to the full record in Fokus, the HARRASSOWITZ system for acquisition and management of scholarly resources.
At your service
- Our Books Services team is dedicated to delivering flexible, personal and efficient service enabling libraries to provide breadth and depth in their books collections.
- Our staff is amongst the most knowledgeable and efficient in the industry, and we take pride in our extremely high fulfilment rate of monograph orders.
- Many are certified as booksellers and/or university-educated and the majority have many years' information supply chain experience.
- Our staff as a whole speaks a total of 20 languages and all are fluent in English, communicating whenever possible in the publisher's and customer's native language.
Return Policy for Books and Music Scores
Return Policy